Come Quando Fuori Piove, exhibition catalog
Catalog created on the occasion of the personal exhibition "Come Quando Fuori Piove" (Like when it's raining outside), open to the public from 31 October to 14 November 2015 at the Edarcom Europa Gallery.
Catalog created on the occasion of the personal exhibition "Come Quando Fuori Piove" (Like when it's raining outside), open to the public from 31 October to 14 November 2015 at the Edarcom Europa Gallery.
Catalog created on the occasion of the personal exhibition “Exterior Night” , held from 20 October to 4 November 2015 at the Edarcom Europa Gallery in Rome. The texts are edited by Daniela Madonna
Catalog of the Babylon City exhibition by Mariarosaria Stigliano held at the "Galleria SMAC - Segni Mutanti Arte Contemporanea" from 29 March - 26 April 2014